Speaking in San Jose & San Francisco

I just got back from the Bay Area where I was the guest speaker for the Pictage User Groups in San Jose & San Francisco. The talk I’m giving is a workflow lesson called “From I Do to I’m Done.” This talk goes through my personal process starting with meeting potential clients all the way to marketing myself with the most recent wedding I’ve shot. Because they are part of my workflow, I’ve also been bringing my custom presets and Kubota Image Tools to sell at a discount, so folks seem pretty happy about that. I’m planning to hit more PUGs this year, so please come when I’m in your city!

Thank you again to Kolo Albums, Tamrac Bags & Kubota Image Tools for providing prizes for my talks, and thank you to my sister, Joy, for taking the following photographs.

Chatting it up at The Chicken Coop restaurant in San Jose:

Speaking in San Francisco at a cool studio loft:

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