Moms with Cameras Workshop in Palo Alto

On Saturday, I taught a Moms with Cameras workshop to about 15 women. It was SUCH an amazing time! The moms learned everything from how to deal with the technical side of their camera to different ways of thinking creatively. If you are interested in joining my Los Angeles workshop, click here!

THANK YOU to all of the participants who came. Thank you also to my sister, Joy, who put together the fantastic gift bags that contained wonderful goodies from Acmebags, Kolo Albums and more! Finally, thank you to Christine Kelly for allowing us to use her beautiful home. Christine has been my client for many years from her wedding through to her second son’s 1st birthday (so far!!)

4 thoughts on “Moms with Cameras Workshop in Palo Alto

  1. I know I’m not a mom yet, but wish I could have made it to this one, hopefully next time. 🙂

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