Family portraits in Irvine

I met Amy Trahant when she joined me for a Tea for Two & some Shadow Shooting back in 2007. Amy’s photography business, Take Aim Photography, is based in Connecticut, but she and her family spend summers in California to be near her sister and parents. I was so flattered when she asked me to drive to the OC to photograph her family yesterday. As their in-house photographer, she gets a lot of great shots of her husband and boys, but she never gets to be IN the pictures with them!! It was a really great time (her family was so “well trained!”), and I was really glad to get to hang out with Amy again.

5 thoughts on “Family portraits in Irvine

  1. I look at your site with Google Chrome as my brower and couldn’t figure out for months why I can’t see your images… I just tried with Internet Explorer and it works. Just thought you should know in case I’m not the only one. =)

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