Flying over the Golden Gate Bridge

So we have been crazy this week getting the studio ready for Thursday’s big party. But when Adam, CEO & owner of Simply Canvas, flew up from LA and invited us to fly over the Golden Gate Bridge in his G3, we couldn’t say no.

I love this shot of Adam swinging the keys to his plane.

Fog. Of course.

The city.

The Bay Bridge.

Adam in the pilot’s seat. We were listening to Satellite Radio the whole time. It was SO much fun. Thanks, Adam, for the ride, and I’m so glad you’re in town for the party!

9 thoughts on “Flying over the Golden Gate Bridge

  1. Beautiful!! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the second and third ones, they are just breathtaking. Adam looks great but that bridge is something else! LOL!

    Can’t wait to see last night’s pictures!!

  2. These are beautiful shots of the city by the bay. I love the first one of the golden gate bridge! Looks like a candidate for stock photo to me. 🙂 Have a great party!

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