Maternity Portraits in Hollywood

Yesterday I spent the day at the home of my good friend, Laura. She is due to have a new baby later on this month – maybe even on MY birthday!! It was fun hanging out and taking her maternity portraits. I thought she looked great. Thank you, Laura, for having me come photograph you. I can’t wait to meet Baby Girl later on this month, and I’m really looking forward to photographing your new family!

13 thoughts on “Maternity Portraits in Hollywood

  1. Very special and honest images. I love that these are taken in her home,especially the last shot. She’ll look back on these images in 18 years and remember padding around the house and be able to sense what it was really like carrying a baby within her. Beautiful.

  2. Oh, my! If by some miracle I go for number 4 someday, PLEASE say you’ll come and take pics like these! You have the most amazing eye for detail. I adore the first picture, but all of them are just gorgeous.

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