Prizes & Yummies & Fun, Oh My!

Joy and I are very excited to announce the opening of our Bay Area Studio! The party begins on September 10 at 6pm. There will be snacks and drinks and the JoyCam, too, so come on by! We are grateful to our sponsors Pictage, Simply Canvas and OnOne software, as well as a whole bunch of other fantastic companies that have partnered with us to put on one heck of a party! Come for a peek at Simply Canvas’s new line of products, which we are excited to be able to showcase!

5772 Thornhill Drive (Montclair district)
Oakland, CA 94611

I’m excited about having a place to meet with Bay Area clients, but I wanted you to know that the studio will also be available for other photographers who want to offer workshops or who need a space to meet THEIR clients. Also, we are looking forward to hosting a monthly Bay Area Pictage User Group which will cover a range of topics and is open to all local photographers.

Some of our sponsors (read: tons of prizes for the party!!) include:

Simply Canvas
OnOne Software
Kubota Image Tools
Pepper Custom Camera Straps
GoBee CF Card Holders
Kolo Albums
Boda Camera Bags
Fast Track Photographer
Claremont Resort & Spa
Camera Slingers
Papineau Calligraphy
Camera Dojo
Jules Café

If you’d like to attend, please RSVP here.

A tiny sneak peek of a few of the studio details…

CHECK OUT the SWAG we got for you! There is even more than this!

Practicing for the JoyCam! We went shopping tonight to get PROPS for added fun!

22 thoughts on “Prizes & Yummies & Fun, Oh My!

  1. Your photos and blog are just great. As a wedding and portrait photographer in San Jose, I know that it’s challenging photographing outstanding pictures. I’ll definitely comeback to keep checking your site.

  2. Wow you guys this looks simply amazing! I so wish I wasn’t on the East Coast right now. Would love to come to the big opening.
    I am always in awe of your amazing work and dedication to the wedding photography industry.

    This is so fabu!! I am sure the studio will be a gigantic hit!

  3. Jules & Joy
    I cannot wait to see you guys on at the opening. I am really excited for both of you and cannot wait to see the finished studio. Yeah!!

  4. Gorgeous studio and lovely designing! Very classy and elegant from what you posted on the blog! Congratulations you & Joy are lovely ladies whose heart shines though out the place! Love it!

    1. You girls are so cute! I so wish I could just stop by, but it is across the country….
      I am crossing my fingers for some online prizes during your grand opening 🙂
      Congrats, love the colors!

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