18 thoughts on “Studio Details

  1. Incredible. It’s amazing to witness how much you guys have raised the bar. I especially loved the cameo of us together with [ b ]. It’s so great to be friends with you and Joy both. Congrats!!

  2. I guess missing this party is my punishment for living on the East Coast, huh? 🙂

    Looks like it was a blast, and I admire your attention to detail. Well done, Jules!

  3. Wow!! Your studio is AMAZING!!! The colors and all the details are PERFECT!! And I’m totally in love with that photo of Olive and the toilet bowl! So fun! Your studio is a beautiful space!!!

  4. Wow!!! So excited to have you in the Bay Area! Bummed that I missed the big party-it was a tough choice-Disco Bay with the family or Jules’ opening… 🙂 Congrats!

  5. Jules! Congrats on your new studio! It looks fantastic! I would love to see it in person next time I am up north. Everything looks perfect!

  6. It is all amazing and beautiful! I adore those cupcakes and all of the photos you have up of Olive! Especially a certain one with a toilet, so cute! Your details are fabulous 🙂

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