Wedding Photography at the Plaza Hotel in NYC

I was super flattered when Ira Lippke asked me to shoot a wedding with him for his clients, Danny & Joey, at the Plaza Hotel in New York. Since I already had a bunch of gear there from Julie & Ohki’s shoot, I just changed my hotel, flight, bought CF cards & a new outfit and stayed an extra day! So fun!

I just got back to Oakland, and I’m exhausted, but here are a few faves I saw as I was scanning through the cards. More soon…

I was so glad I had brought my 100 2.8 macro and was able to get this shot of Joey & Danny’s kick-ass rings.

Danny checks his tie moments before he sees Joey for the first time.

Loved the fact that I could see Danny in the mirror as Joey waited for him at the bottom of the stairs.

I ran downstairs to shoot the lovely couple on the balcony while Ira stayed at the top to shoot from there.

Then we ventured out even though it was raining…

…and I’m so glad we did because we got gorgeous shots like this one!

Thank you, Ira, you are such a talented photographer and so much fun to work with!

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