What an amazing week. If you are a photographer and you didn’t attend Pictage’s PartnerCon, you really NEED to go next year. Not only is it a rockin’ fun time, but there was just SO much to be learned! I just love it because its a smaller convention, and you really get the opportunity to get to know people. (If you are in Los Angeles, feel free to attend my PUG this Wednesday when we do a PartnerCon re-cap.)
I was part of a “women’s only” panel (thank you to Joan Peacher Evans for this shot of me on the panel) which was led by Tasra Dawson and was SO well received that Jim Collins is toying with the idea of making an entire women’s retreat!

I also lead a shooting workshop. Early Thursday morning, my group met in the lobby of our hotel and we walked over to Jackson Square and Moonwalk to shoot an entire bridal party. (Thank you to my sister, Joy, for these shots of me and to Kevin Kubota for holding up my sign.)

Here are some of the shots I took of the models while I was teaching the workshop.

And FINALLY, here is my contribution to Jed Taufer’s The Lying Down Game that Kevin Kubota got us all hooked on this week. 🙂