family portraits in Los Angeles

I met Laura back when we were working together on Wanda Wen’s The Art of the Gift. Laura is very well known for her thoughtful and compelling blog, Hollywood Housewife, and I feel truly fortunate to call her my friend. I started photographing her family before the first was born (in the form of maternity pictures!) and its been fun watching her collection of my photographs grow on the walls of her house throughout the years. My favorite thing about Laura’s family is how happy they are when they are together. I love spending time with them, too! When I was down in Los Angeles earlier this month I got to spent a few hours with them for their latest family portrait.

family portraits in los feliz

family portraits in los feliz

family portraits in los feliz

family portraits in los feliz

family portraits in los feliz

family portraits in los feliz

family portraits in los feliz
family portraits in los feliz

family portraits in los feliz

At the very end of the day, Laura and I sneaked off to do a few shots of just her for her blog. I LOVE Laura’s style. If you have not had a chance to check out Hollywood Housewife, I highly recommend you do!

family portraits in los feliz

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