Ceremony Magazine

the up side of today…

I went to another party without my pocket digital camera again, so you’ll have to view the world the way my cell phone does, I’m afraid. Tonight Ceremony Magazine threw another fun event on the rooftop of the Bel Age Hotel in West Hollywood.

I particularly liked the ice sea horse:

Jules Bianchi and her usual party co-hort, Tiffany Nainkin:

After being trapped in my office all day, its nice to hang out with other people who know exactly where I’m coming from. There were a LOT of amazing wedding vendors at the party, but I think most of them were photographers. Case in point, check out the crowd who went to Canter’s afterward – the list reads like the who’s who of LA Wedding Photographers:

From left to right, Joe Barnet, Joe Photo, Karen French, Yoshi Morimoto, Dina Douglass, Mike Colon, Victor Sizemore, Harmony Walton (token non-photographer and owner of the wonderful Bridal Bar), Mirta Barnet, Josh Bobrobe, Robert Evans, and of course yours truly, Jules Bianchi behind the camera.

And later, Stuart Townsley (with Mike and I giving his cool glasses a try)

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