My vintage BMW

the down side of today…

I finally sold my 1973 BMW 3.0CS. I bought that car for myself as a birthday gift, and I’ve had it for seven years. I know it was time to finally let it go to a very excited car enthusiast (who is going to take very good care of it, I just know it) but I will admit that my eyes filled up as my lovely car left my driveway without me in it. Olive and I say goodbye…(on the upside, I sold it for only $500 less than I originally bought it for… how many of you can say that about your cars??)

1 thought on “My vintage BMW

  1. You are adorable! I am a total stranger who happened upon your blog and feel like I’ve read every word in the last weekend, or so. So now, of course, I feel like I know you. I really appreciate your zest for life and your love of your family — they both shine through in your writing. You’ve inspired me to start doing more of what I love (once I figure that out)! Also, I’m so glad to see the close relationship you and your twin sister share – I have identical 10 year-old boys, and 2 daughters, 7 and 4. Thanks. If I ever need a photographer in West Hollywood – I’ll call. Thanks.

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