All Saints Church, Pasadena

trisha & travis.

man, am I tired. but as usual, I can’t sleep. So I’m blogging. Today I got up at the still-dark hour of 6:30am to get ready for today’s wedding. I was excited about it because

a.) I think All Saints Church is gorgeous (I shot Eric Stoltz wedding there on July 16th with my esteemed colleague, John Riedy) and

b.) I think Trisha and Travis are gorgeous (I used images from their engagement shoot in my last Inside Weddings Magazine ad!)

I LOVE shooting the details at my weddings, and I couldn’t believe it when I heard that Trisha’s mother MADE most of the intricate center pieces and details of the Fall themed wedding.

One last thing, Trisha and Travis are avid bikers, and as a send-off they rode off on vintages bikes into the Pasadena sunset as their guests pelted them with Fall leaves. Really gorgeous colors.

a FEW favs:

Glowing Bride

Gorgeous Groom


The colorful bouquet

The ladies

The men

minutes before walking down the aisle

the reluctant flowergirl

The Kiss

The Details

on the balcony

on the bikes

And lastly, Amy and Chris (with newest family member, Sophia!) I shot their wedding back in 2001, and when Trisha was looking for a photographer, Amy told her all about me! Thank you, Amy and Chris, for the awesome referral!

3 thoughts on “All Saints Church, Pasadena

  1. These are increadible pictures! I love the one of the couple in front of the path, and the sunlight …………………

  2. LOVE LOVE LOVE the wedding shots. I’m the mom of the reluctant flower girl. What a magical day we all had. Thanks.

  3. It was great seeing you, Jules!! Great blog. I really love seeing what you’ve been working on. Now I just need some more friends to get married so I can send them your way! Great pic of Sophia, too!

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