Leather Craftsmen

I spent my entire day with fellow wedding photographers. I love having friends who know what my life is like! With the exception of last year, Leather Craftsmen throws a pizza party for its clients every December at the awesome (I’m not jealous!) studio of Robert Evans. Leather Craftsmen is the ONLY album company I use because they are, in my humble opinion, the best. They handcraft every album, and are so good about calling me if there are ever any questions or concerns about an order. Talk about customer service!

The party itself was fun, and afterward about eight of us went to The Grove for Greek food and a movie (and Anthropologie.)

photos courtesy of becker.

Becker and Ira Gershoff – our Leather Craftsmen rep. I see B had to settle for Diet Pepsi – poor thing.

Jules and Ira

The famous and adorable Mike Colon with our host and my good friend, Robert Evans

Jules Bianchi, Robert Evans and Dina Douglass

Ira and Joe Bussink in (as Becker likes to say) a Jules Sandwich.

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