Open Source Photo Party

Superstar Mike Colon had his intensive four day workshop in Orange County this week, and a lot of photographers from the Open Source Photo community were in attendance. They rented a mansion in Laguna Beach to stay in, and tonight there was a huge party to celebrate the end of the workshop! A whole gaggle of wedding photographers all in one place.

If the photography thing doesn’t work out for Dane Sanders, Becker and David Jay I’m sure they would have a fantastic career as a boy band…

The very talented Sara France and Jules Bianchi

Simple Photo Life’s Dane Sanders and Mike Colon

My new friends, Amber and Nathan Holritz

Jules Bianchi with Jessica Claire, David Jay, Mike Colon and Becker. I consider myself extremely fortunate to be in the company of all the amazing photographers who were at the party!

David Jay, Becker, Mike Colon, Sara France and Jefferson Todd….and their counterparts.

Photographer party tricks….Tim Halberg showed me this cool effect where you set the self timer, then throw your camera into the air…

5 thoughts on “Open Source Photo Party

  1. omg that last pic is insane!! i can see in your face you are thinking “what have i just done?!…”

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