Can Olive replace Magic?

Old Navy is looking for a new mascot to replace Magic, and with 98,054 other dogs in the running, those judges should be thanking me! I just made their job real easy.

Olive has joined the competition.

Old Navy would be making a pretty smart marketing move to hire Miss O as their next mascot. Look at that face! How can you not love that wrinkly jowl? Doesn’t she just make you want to run out and buy performance fleece??

Seriously, whenever we bring Olive to the local cafe, at least 5 people will stop just to pet or talk to her every time. And its like that no matter where we go. People just adore Olive! She is so much more popular than I am, but I’m not jealous!! I love you, Olive!

2 thoughts on “Can Olive replace Magic?

  1. oh my god, this is the greatest thing! olive would be perfect for this!! you are right, she IS performance fleece!!

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