The 460 Degrees Gallery

One of my favorite people, Wanda Wen, (from Soolip Paperie & Press) invited me to a really cool party tonight at The 460 Degrees Gallery. The party was presented by Lexus and showcased the new LS 460 – an amazing car. The Gallery will be around for two weeks before it moves to another city.

I was so excited to run into my friend, Scott, who works for Lexus. I see Scott all the time, but only in my computer – we are IM friends… you know, we chat online all the time but never actually hang out in person – so it was really fun to see his live face! Scott writes very good copy, and wrote some text that was in large letters on the walls.

Jules Bianchi and Jeremy Piven.

Jules Bianchi, Ashton Kutcher & Wanda Wen

Jules Bianchi and Scott Ivener.

Just for fun, Scott posed for me in front of the text that he wrote…

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