Pump Cups

No, its not a new kind of bra…. its a cool little tool I learned about when I shot the New Year’s Eve wedding with David Jay in Santa Barbara. The Pump Cup will allow me to position my flash on a wall so that I can use my Pocket Wizard to fire it off-camera. It is much smaller and easier to bring to weddings than a lightstand. I can ALSO put another camera on it and either fire it simultaneously with the camera I’m shooting or fire it separately by pressing a button on the Pocket Wizard.

And who do you suppose got to play test subject? I love this shot of Ms. Olive – we did it with the 580EX on the Pump Cup behind her to create some lovely rim lighting, and a gold reflector pointed directly at her to fill in her cute face.

Here’s the set up with my Canon 580 EX…I plan to also use this for my Q-flash and 20D. Its gonna be a fun year!!

6 thoughts on “Pump Cups

  1. Jules,
    how’s the pump cup working for ya?

    do you think hotel mgrs would freak if they saw this thing hanging around? what’s your review?!

    I did a search online, no dice. It must’ve just hit the market or something. Thanks a million for sharing! Makes shooting all the more safe.


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