The Bianchi Sandwich

My twin sister, Joy, has been working with me for over a year. She came to Vegas with me last year to help facilitate the DWF workshops I was doing, and she had such a great time that she came back this year.

Everyone we hung out with thought it was just so much fun to make a “Bianchi Sandwich.” Joy said it would be funny to post all the “sandwiches” we made while in Vegas, so Joy, here you go! I know there are more out there, so if anyone has a “sandwich” on their camera, please send it to me!

I am going to post more images from Vegas soon, but for now, here is me and Joy with the following folks (from top to bottom, left to right), Rob Evans, Becker, Dane Sanders, Sara France, Brian Kramer, Matt Gillis, Joshua Bobrove and a Vegas showgirl!

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