
Today I was in Westwood at the W for a boudoir session with Stephanie. Although boudoir sessions are popular, the shoot is usually a surprise for the fiance. This means I don’t post any images. However, because Stephanie’s man knows about today’s shoot, she gave me permission to post a few of my favorites! I think she is so beautiful.

This was the first time I’d actually met Stephanie since she hired me over the phone months ago… but we hit it off immediately. She is really fun, and I’m looking forward to the engagement shoot I’m doing with her and Jeremiah tomorrow.

Stephanie’s hair and make-up were done by the very talented Jacey Jean Costentino. I have worked with Jacey many times now, and I highly recommend her.

I also invented a new xmp file JUST for Stephanie: “jb vintage red.” I used it on almost every image below.

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