LA Pictage User Group

I lead the the Los Angeles PUG once a month. Tonight there was a HUGE turn out because Ursula Mentjes, a business coach with Potential Quest, was our speaker. She shared very insightful information as well as leading us through a visualization exercise, and I can see why her services are invaluable!

Patrice Gaspard-Nelson of La Bella Vita was our Studio Spotlight this month. (I would link to her website, but it is still under construction.) Patrice showed us some gorgeous work and passed around the beautiful promo kit she gives to her clients. I love your logo, Patrice!

If you are a Pictage photographer and live in the LA area, you are welcome to join us.

Big turn out tonight…Thank you, Ann, for hosting!

Ursula Mentjes.

Patrice Gaspard-Nelson.

Nate of B&G Photography and me!!

3 thoughts on “LA Pictage User Group

  1. Who’s that hot man you’re with?? hee hee! Sorry I missed last night – my niece and nephew call, I go running…

  2. Hi Jules! The speaker seems very charismatic and very interesting. I am sure it was a good lesson. I love that picture of you – it’s sooooo good! I especially like your hair – did you get it cut/colored? Have a great day

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