Usage Rights

Thank you for visiting my blog! While I’m quite flattered that you appreciate my photos, please keep in mind that they cannot be used or reproduced without my permission.

Thank you for understanding.

Jules Bianchi

7 thoughts on “Usage Rights

  1. Hi Jules, I believe peoples actions stem from how they have been brought up. That is, if they have not been taught to respect other people or their work, then things like this will take place. I hope you have now restricted the coping of your images.

    See ya,
    Harry – Syd Aus

  2. That’s weak! It’s one thing to “borrow” photos from a blog and at least give photo credit. But to take them and claim they’re you’re own. That’s just stupid. Especially if you’re going to steal from such a well known artist such as yourself. I do hope you sent a cease and desist letter.

  3. Oh my Gosh! That’s horrible. Sorry Jules I hope people stop doing things like that. Your pictures are one of a kind you can always tell your pictures apart from someone elses. Love ya! 🙂

  4. Wow, are you going to tell us what happened that forced you to have to post something that everyone should know? This is what worries me about having a blog.

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