San Francisco wedding

Yesterday’s wedding was a long twelve hour event, (Joy and I were there closer to 13!) so I spent today just playing with my nieces. Tomorrow we are all heading up to Bear Valley for the week to hang out at my mother’s cabin. I will have very limited cell phone and email access while I’m there, so I’m posting one image just to let you know that you haven’t been forgotten and more will be coming soon! Please check back in a day or so!

2 thoughts on “San Francisco wedding

  1. hi jules! it’s jaclyn’s sister, val. thanks for everything on saturday! jules, you & joy are amazing! thanks for working so hard in capturing the wedding! i can’t wait to see more pictures! my family appreciates everything! i’m glad you two were able to get some dancing in too!!
    i hope joy’s arm wasn’t too sore the next day from holding up the umbrella!!
    thanks again for everything jules!

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