Tea for Two

On Tuesday, Amy Trahant of Take Aim Photography came to my home studio to participate in the second part of her Tea for Two mentor session with me. She did a fabulous job assisting on my July 21st wedding at Shutters in Santa Monica, and today was our follow-up in-studio session. I just love her energy and have really enjoyed working with her. Thank you, Amy!

I think the Tea for Two sessions are great because the lessons are catered specifically to what you need to learn from me. For instance, we wont spend time on lighting if you really just want to figure out your workflow. If you are interested in participating in a Tea for Two mentor session with me, please shoot me an email at jules@julesbianchi.com.

The lovely Amy Trahant:

As we were finishing up for the day, my wonderful new assistant, Shannon Leith, grabbed this shot of me, Amy and Olive:

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