Pictage User Group

Every month I lead the Los Angeles Pictage User Group in Beverly Hills. If you are a photographer and would like to join, just let me know! We usually have a speaker, but this time we all talked about what we’d learned at PartnerCon earlier this month.

THANK YOU to Joanne Distaso of Joanne Distaso Photography for being our Studio Spotlight for September!

I like this photograph of Robert Evans holding court in the kitchen.

Instead of a big group photo, I just went around a shot a few faces…

3 thoughts on “Pictage User Group

  1. I’m gald to see another PUG meeting with a good group of photog’s! Carla was just over my place for the PUG meeting, it was insane! I’ll be putting out another video about our last meeting with a suprise wedding for our PUG leaders!

  2. Hey Jules!

    Love the photos of the last pug! Very creative:) I wanted to congratulate you on the OMG drop dead gorgeous photos spread from Bride and Bloom—truly inspiring! So proud to know you:-) whoo-hoo! See you at the next PUG.

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