Incredibles Party!

On Sunday we celebrated my niece, Millie’s, 3rd birthday. She decided a while ago that she wanted the theme to be “The Incredibles” so everyone got pj’s that looked like Incredibles costumes. ElastaGirl showed up, too!

Joy brings out the cake!!

I love this shot of Millie trying to figure out how old she is now.

7 thoughts on “Incredibles Party!

  1. Wow…this is soooo cooool!! I wanna have an Incredibles party for my birthday too!!! I’m not too old for that, am I???? 😀 Your pictures are wonderful…

  2. How wonderful the kids look like they had a blast! Just a few days until your guys birthday, just celebrated mine tonight. 🙂 Hope all the Libras have fun this month.

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