Tea for Two with Lilia

I have been having so much fun with the Tea for Two sessions lately. Whenever possible, I bring my mentee to a wedding with me because I think there is a lot to learn from observing how another photographer works. My latest mentee, Lilia Ahner of Lilia Photography just wrote me the coolest testimonial AND put a post about the experience on her blog! If you are a photographer who would be interested in a Tea for Two session, feel free to shoot me an emaill at jules@julesbianchi.com.

The lovely Lilia:

“I came home beaming after my Tea for Two session with Jules Bianchi. Having a private mentoring session customized for my needs with personal attention from Jules was priceless. Not only was Jules enthusiastic and dynamic, but she shared her years of experience and answered my questions about lighting, exposure, marketing, advertising, and client consultations. Most importantly, she taught me how to become organized and to create very specific, manageable goals–both short-term and long-term. She has helped me to think differently about my business and shared so much valuable information that I can definitely take my photography skills and business to the next level. I can’t thank Jules enough!”

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