Denis Reggie & Joe Buissink at our PUG

Yesterday was an entire day of photography networking. I am the leader for the Los Angeles Pictage User Group, and each month we meet to discuss various topics and all things new at Pictage. This month’s meeting was a little different in that the highly regarded and well respected talents of Joe Buissink and Denis Reggie graced our PUG with their presence. There was no real agenda, just two hours of questions and answers, and we combined the OC, Clairmont and LA PUGs for this event. We had a turn out of over 100 people!

My day started out with a VIP (Very Important Photographers!) lunch that was organized by Pictage. In attendance were photographers Denis Reggie, Joe Buissink, Jon Barber, Jared Bauman, Dane Sanders, Robert Evans & Jules Bianchi, Pictage employees Lisa Allen, Scott Anderson, Debra Gerson, Jason O’Hare, Betsy Hirayama, Ian Siegel, Renata Dionello, Jason Kiefer & Michael Caro. The very talented Ron Dawson was there to videotape the event.

Joe, Jules & Denis.

Clairmont’s PUG leader, Julie Weaver, and I introduced our speakers.

The first speaker up was Christine Smith of CLS Photography, our Studio Spotlight for the month. She shared how her business really started to take off after her mentorship sessions with Mike Larsen and her Tea for Two session with me! (Thank you, Christine!)

Then Denis and Joe were on! Ron Dawson of Cinematic Studios videotaped the entire thing to feature on his site, F-Stop Beyond. You should be able to check it out there soon! Denis and Joe answered countless questions on many topics including marketing, albums, how to keep your work fresh, the direction wedding photography is moving in, lighting, as well as sharing their own personal stories. Both remarked about the importance of community and sharing. They both had amazing insight and were so open to everyone’s questions.

Afterward, you would think there were movie stars in the house! Everyone wanted to talk to them and have their photograph taken with them.

This picture of Denis Reggie and Veronica Slavin cracks me up because Denis is pointing to where he wants me to “foof” my flash.

And to wrap up our day, a bunch of us went out for sushi afterward. This is a shot of me, Debra Gerson, Robert Evans, Jay Goldman & Julie Weaver that I captured in the mirror of the bar!

9 thoughts on “Denis Reggie & Joe Buissink at our PUG

  1. Fun post Jules, I love the value PUG meetings can bring… not to mention the funny moments 🙂 Maybe I’ll run into you and a few other L.A. PUG folks at WPPI, I’m so amped!

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