Jules Bianchi featured at Leather Craftsmen

All of my albums are bound at Leather Craftsmen. Their quality is unparalleled, and the customer service I’ve received from them is always exemplary. They have hundreds and hundreds of photographer clients from all across the country, so I was beyond flattered when they asked if they could feature my work in a sample of their brand new style of album. This is an album that is really going to be unique to the industry!

Leather Craftsmen chose five photographers to create samples from, and I’m so honored be featured along side the amazing talents of Joe Buissink, Mike Colon, Andy Marcus & Jasmine Star.

I’m not at liberty to reveal too many details about the new style of album right now, so DEFINITELY check out the Leather Craftsmen booth at WPPI later this month! The sample they created from the gorgeous Carneros Inn Wedding I shot last October will be there, and its going to blow you away.

This is the email blast that went out this morning… Leather Craftsmen is using red as a theme to tie the new books together, and I can’t wait to see them all!

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