i love the internet

Between Facebook, My Space, my blog, everyone ELSE’S blogs, OSP, DWF, the Pictage Forum, the Jules CAFE daily special… its definitely hard to keep up. But I still love it all! My new favorite is Twitter. I’m totally addicted now. I have my close friends and family on mobile phone alert and it feels like ESP – even though Joy and my mother live 400 miles away from me, I always know what’s going on!

Check it out! Follow me on Twitter! I discovered today there is even an RSS feed if you aren’t a Twitterer yourself.

6 thoughts on “i love the internet

  1. Hello Jules, my name is May, and after finding your website and blog for the first time and visiting many times since, I have become a fan of your work. All of the photographs you have taken are all very lovely, and I enjoy reading about your experiences.

    I have you bookmarked and I will continue to visit!

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