PINK’S goes to the dogs

Olive made a new friend today! Ann Hamilton is in town from San Francisco and she brought her adorable Pug, Bogie, with her.

Olive and Bogie became fast friends and they decided to take a little trip to the Hollywood landmark, PINK’S hotdogs.

I have actually been wanting to make a book called “Olive Goes to Hollywood” for years now. The book would be about Olive taking her dog friends to various landmarks around Hollywood, and I think I’m going to try to start it now. Those of you who read this blog who know me personally and have dogs that know Olive, be sure to contact me to be in the book!

12 thoughts on “PINK’S goes to the dogs

  1. jules, i love all your photos but especially love the ones dedicated to olive! our mini schnauzers, mimi & sandy, have never met olive but al & i would love it if they could meet her & be in your book!

  2. Hi Jules! It’s been a long time since I fell in love with Olive on the Pictage forums and I still would love to make it to an L.A. PUG just to meet you. Busy life as always! I just checked your blog and saw my favorite dog, besides my own BIG JIM, and I think that I’d buy your book, “Olive Goes to Hollywood!” That’s way cool !!!! I just think she has a face like none other and little Bogie is just adorable! You are a constant inspiration. Good luck with everything! deb 🙂

  3. Oh those are way too cute! That first one is a definite “Olive goes to Hollywood” image. I love the last one too. I also love how Olive smiles for all her photos. 🙂

  4. Coco would certainly go visiting with Olive. When did you say we could come visit? Or do you want Coco to show Olive San Francisco?

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