Monthly PUG

I love being the Los Angeles Pictage User Group leader. Its such a great way to meet other local photographers and hear great speakers. Last night we had our April meeting. Thank you to Ann Kelley for being our Studio Spotlight. The PUG always takes place at Ann’s house, so she was able to show us all of her cute products and how she uses her house to demonstrate to her portrait clients how their prints might look when hung on the walls.

Thank you, also, to Erik Johnson who was our speaker for the night. His discussion on the key categories of a balanced life helped us to identify what would really lead to our increased happiness and success.

Thank you to Michael Andrews for these cute photos of me leading the group!

4 thoughts on “Monthly PUG

  1. Hey Jules,

    i am a recent pictage account owner 🙂 Finally have enough business to pay for it! … Am interested in attending one of these! Do i do it through the website ? Any info would help! … thanks, meg

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