Win a Shootsac on Jules Café!

Jules Café has teamed up with the fabulous Jessica Claire of Shootsac and she is donating Shootsacs for our lucky Jules Café winners! Thank you Jess! I love my shootsac and use it all the time. You will love yours too!

All you have to do to enter is this: sign up for the newsletter here. If you are already on our newsletter list, you are already entered in the contest. When we get back from Oregon next week, we will randomly choose the winners and they will be announced in the newsletter that you are signing up for.

Don’t worry, we don’t like spam any more than you do, and there is always an unsubscribe button if you wanna get out. But you won’t.

Jessica Claire put a lot of thought into her bag because she made a bag that she herself wanted to use. It is the first lens bag designed to pick up where your camera bag leaves off–it’s designed just for shooting. Lenses, batteries, flashcards & necessities are comfortably at your fingertips. Can a camera bag really change the way you shoot? Shootsac thinks so. I think so, too.

My favorite shootsac cover: Festive!

4 thoughts on “Win a Shootsac on Jules Café!

  1. Yeah, I thought the purpose of the Shoot Sac was to hold lenses … looks like the ground is doing a pretty good job of that! 😉 I LOVE my sac and use it ALL the time!

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