Oviatt Penthouse, Los Angeles

michelle & chris
march 29, 2008

Shannon and I had such a good time shooting at The Oviatt Penthouse on Saturday.

The weather was lovely, Annie & Charlie (Michelle & Chris’ dogs) were in the wedding party and the Penthouse had this amazing art deco style to it. And thanks to Jodie Watson of Supreme Organization, the wedding progressed flawlessly. Thank you to Jarrad Lister who joined us all the way from South Carolina as part of his Tea for Two learning experience with me.

Cool Rings.

Lime Green Tile.

First Look.

Bridal Party.

Getting Married.

Mr & Mrs.

Beard Papa Cream Puffs.

Lion Dancing.

Fisheye Views.

7 thoughts on “Oviatt Penthouse, Los Angeles

  1. Hi Jules…
    Hey. I loved the pictures and how you aply some actions to them.
    Do you know what I would love to see more in your posts???
    Here is an Idea…
    I know that you write most of your posts for your clients, but a lot of your friends and other photographers come here to read your post too. SO!!!
    I would love, once a while, have you talking more about some of your STYLE.
    Get some of the pictures that you took and explain why of that angle, lenses, camera settings, what actions you used, etc.
    Paulo Jordao

  2. Those are some SWEET rings! But… where did she get the cute ribbons on the placecards and can I pat the puppy’s chubby belly? OK. Not weird. Just a dog person. ; )

  3. Those are the coolest rings I’ve seen in a long time. Wow. I love the architecture around this wedding. You really worked it into the images. My last wedding (it was also my first) had a super art-deco 40s-theme to it. Everybody dressed up. It was like photographing an old Hollywood movie set. Again, awesome work, Jules!

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