Contest Reminder

I thought a good note to post just before I leave town for New York for a week would be a reminder that if you haven’t yet voted for my image in the Pacific Weddings contest, you still have time to do so! You vote by scrolling to the bottom of their post and make a comment that includes the image name (“A Kiss in Union Square”), number (its #8) and why you like the image. There are currently over one thousand (1188 to be exact!) comments/votes on the post, and I was blown away by some of the amazing things people have said.

THANK YOU to everyone who voted. Here are just a few examples of the fantastic comments:

8. “A Kiss in Union Square” by Jules Bianchi is not only the image that captures the nostalgia of a wedding day best, but her image seems to also be the most technically difficult to pull off. Ms. Bianchi some how managed to capture a calm, intimate moment of love in the middle of a chaotic and busy downtown location. Love conquers all.

Kimberly Stevenson


8. “A Kiss in Union Square” by Jules Bianchi
I have been married for 35 years now and I must admit Jules has captured the way I look back at my own wedding. Nothing else matters but the two of us. We will forever be the fountain of youth for each other and time is no longer important. When I say my wedding vows on my 50th Anniversary I want Jules to do my wedding. This image is so relevant for those of us that have been married from that first day to a lifetime. 🙂

Lee Svec


8. “A Kiss in Union Square” by Jules Bianchi
I love the how Bianchi creates a moment that seems caught by a bystander, so candid and entirely unexpected from just a bit of distance.

alex asher sears


#8 Kiss in Union Square by Jules Bianchi. I’ve been married for almost 12 years and when I think back on that day I remember a blur of faces of close friends and people in motion dancing, eating, and celebrating. But my strongest memory is of a moment of calm in the middle of it as the world stood still and I kissed the love of my life for the first time as a married couple.

Ron T.


#8 A Kiss In Union Square by Jules Bianchi.
The composition is brilliant, and her expression of the technicality of photograpy shines above all the others.



click here or on the image below to cast your vote! Be sure to scroll all the way to the bottom of the post to make your comment/vote.

(Just a technical side-note since a few folks have asked how the image was shot… The effect was done in-camera using a tripod and a very long shutter speed. I asked Matt & Elena to hold their kiss while cars, bikes and people moved around them.)

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