a fun surprise for Olive

A few days ago, I did a Google search with the words “Olive” and “Dog” just out of curiosity to see how far down the list Olive’s blog, “An Olive a Day”, would appear. I never did find it, however, because my search was stopped short when I discovered the most adorable site, Olive: Green Goods for Modern Dogs. I spent a long time on the site checking out all of the amazing things they had for dogs (and cats!) that were eco-friendly. I decided not only to write to them but to put a link to their site from Olive’s blog.

Well! Today I opened the door to discover a wonderful package waiting for my Olive. THANK YOU to the good folks at Olive Green Dog for their super nice gift! Gotta love the internet.

BTW, I am leaving for New York today for the PhotoPlus convention (and many parties, two engagement shoots and Saturday Night Live – don’t be jealous), so please be patient if I do not blog as quickly as normal. I will try to blog from New York, but I will definitely be back at it by next week!

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