Central Park & Grand Central Station engagement session

Karen lives in New York, Jack lives in Connecticut. They spend a lot of time in the city and often jog through Central Park together, so they really wanted a bit of the park as part of their engagement session. I discovered so many amazing spots when I was shooting there on Thursday that I was excited to get a chance to shoot there again…. AND to try out the tilt-shift lens I bought at the Photo Plus trade show!! (Side note, it turns out I’m staying in New York ONE more day for another engagement shoot tomorrow!!)

Funky flower art.

The light was completely different today… so soft and pretty.

MMMM!!!! fall colors!!

More cool shoes – I get lucky with the styley couples.

I loved this whole area dedicated to playing chess.

We stopped for a snack.

Which we shared…

I thought this shot Joy got of me was so funny!

So many gorgeous tunnels in Central Park!

Then we grabbed a cab and headed to Grand Central Station…another spot Karen & Jack know well and spend a lot of time in due to their living in different states.

Jack always comes in on the New Haven train.

It was very crowded.

We stopped for a drink at the Oyster Bar.

Karen & Jack grabbed some bread at the little market in the station where they often shop.

THANK YOU, guys, for giving us a great reason to see more of New York! I’m really looking forward to your Rancho Las Lomas wedding next May.

11 thoughts on “Central Park & Grand Central Station engagement session

  1. So. Cali photog just doing a little research for my engagement shoot in Central Park next week. Great images you’ve produced here. Can’t wait to try my hand at it!

  2. Digging the images with the tilt-shift lens, and those lines in the tunnel shot are hot… and that shot of you on your back among the pigeons is priceless 🙂

  3. Oh, so you finally got that tilt-shift lens! You bumped your elbow into mine while I waiting (and waiting) to talk to the Canon sales clerk you were discussing your tilt-shift lensness with. Now I can blog about how we rubbed elbows while at the show.

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