My experience in Vegas

Every year, over 10,000 photographers travel to Las Vegas for the WPPI Convention. Its such a great way to start the year. There are classes, competitions, a huge tradeshow and parties, um, I mean networking galore. It is such a fantastic way not only to get inspired and to see what is new in the photography world, but to hang out with good friends and foster new friendships.

Marty and I met Joy at the airport on Valentine’s Day, and it was pretty much a whirlwind from that point on.

Highlights for me were:

• Being awarded 2nd place for “Olive Goes to Hollywood” in the Non-Event Informal Album Competition. (See where a “pet” project can get you??) 😉

• Doing an informal Q&A alongside my friend, Dane Sanders, at the Pictage booth on the trade show floor (Thank you to Brian Hancock for sending me the shots of us speaking!)

• Having four of my prints win accolades in the 16×20 International Print Competition.

• Meeting Ty Miller, the fellow who “won” me in the Thirst Relief mentorship auction. Ty is such a great guy, and I am really glad I got the chance to get to know him. (I’m going to insert a photo here as soon as Ty sends it to me!)

• Going to the kick-ass party Pictage threw for its photographers at Studio 54. There were 1040 photographers there, and it was the most fun I had the whole week.

• Doing a soft-launch of the newly re-designed Jules Café by providing refreshments at the Fast Track Photographer Blogger’s Lounge on the trade show floor. I absolutely love the new look designer Marty Thornley gave the Café. Please come and check it out. We are writing articles as well as pulling interesting feeds from sites all over the internet to make learning, growing and sharing that much easier!

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