Olive Goes to Hollywood, on sale now!

I recently entered a version of “Olive Goes to Hollywood” in the WPPI album competition… voting hasn’t happened yet, so keep your fingers crossed! My friend, April, always has good things to say about Blurb books, so I decided to try publishing this version that way. If you’re interested in checking it out (or having one for yourself!) click here on on the image below!

Olive Goes to Hollywood

4 thoughts on “Olive Goes to Hollywood, on sale now!

  1. Jules- this is so stinkin’ cute! Reminds me of the Betty & Rita book which I LOVE! If Olive needs any more canine companions to accompany her on any adventures I have three willing furry friends 🙂

    Good luck with it at WPPI!

    jen )

  2. Congratulations on Olive’s book being released! As a fan of Olive, I checked out the preview available online…so adorable! Such a great idea.
    I’ll have to wait til I get back to the US to get a copy. Congrats again!

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