LAST DAY to win a KUBOTA IMAGE TOOLS flashdrive!!

I certainly hope you know about Jules Café by now. Check the Jules Café Blog every month to find Olive’s Contest Question! Use the comments to answer the question, and every month we will randomly choose a winner from the comments.

The March Question is: If you could do one thing for your business for 15 minutes every day, what would it be? (and then answer THIS question for yourself: WHY AREN’T YOU??)

Olive’s Monthly Contest

I’m really impressed with all of the fantastic answers we’ve gotten so far. Here are just a few, but please go to Olive’s Monthly Contest to read them all. There are a lot of great ideas there.

“I would say take 15 minutes and identify one thing about yourself that is unique… that says who you are and what sets you apart as a person and an artist. Then, at the end of one year you will have a 365-point list of who YOU are. At that point you could take the list and develop a mission statement, or a poster, or a screen-saver, or a calendar, or a journal that you can have at your studio with you everyday. Too often we loose our identity in our creative work and forget about all the things that make us… US! You just never know… a bad day next year might be saved by your own encouragement your new screensaver!”
Paul Ernest

“I wish I could take 15 minutes a day to visualize shots I want to take, so that then I could figure out how to get the shot pictured in my head. Too often while shooting I feel rushed, and when I DO have a few extra minutes, sometimes I draw a blank and don’t know what to do. I think if I had pre-visualized shots I wanted, I would be able to quickly arrange it, and get something for “me”!”
Lisette Arencibia

“My goal would be to learn one more thing. I believe that if we all learn one thing or simply improve 1% every day, we could have dramatic improvements in what we do. Think about it: 1% improvement a day (or even a week). How fast does that add up! Is there a new technique or shortcut that I can learn? Can I find a new blog that will help me with marketing? A shortcut in Photoshop? Anything and everything is up for grabs. Is is the simple goal of improving 1% per day.
So I would use those 15 minutes to learn, study and execute one small idea that will allow me to improve 1% that day.”
Christopher Bloor

“I am just staring out, so the best thing for me has been to network with other photographers through forums, blogs, twitter, etc. I have gotten such great advice and made some fun friendships that have really helped to give me clarity about myself, what I am doing, and why I am doing it!”
Carol Cobb

“For a budding new photographer in the industry, a 15 minute dedication to my business GOLDEN. I would spend 15 mins each day looking for new ways to push my business forward using the acronym SSS.
* Setting – constantly look for new locations, backdrops around SF.
• Subjects – look for creative ways to market and attain clients
• Skill – practice everyday and push harder to strive for excellence
All of the above can be achieved in 15 mins or less thanks to the world wide web!”
Veronica Suh

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