St. John, USVI, Hawksnest Beach Wedding

emilie & jason
april 24, 2009

Between Twitter, Facebook and Jules Cafe, its hard to keep up on my blog! Today I realized that I never actually did a regular post about Emilie & J’s beautiful St. John, USVI wedding… I only put up their slideshow. For those of you who just don’t have time to sit through a slideshow but would like to see my favorites, here you go! The colors and details are simply stunning.

Also, Emilie (being a wedding photographer herself) posted a LOT more photos (including pre-wedding days) and really great insight about planning and being a bride on her blog.

Check back soon to see the wedding I shot this past weekend at Rancho Las Lomas in Silverado. Also, I did a baby/dog combo portrait that is adorable.

9 thoughts on “St. John, USVI, Hawksnest Beach Wedding

  1. I love these pictures! I really wish you could (if there is a way), somehow # these pictures, so that it is easier to refer to them and make comments………….anyway, the one up close of the bride and her umbrella
    is stunning. You HAVE to enter it in sume sort of contest. You would win.

  2. Love it… again! My favorite is the close up of the bride peeking out from behind her orange umbrella with the bright blue ocean as her backdrop! Amazing work!!!

  3. Great work Jules! Long time no talk/see … I do drop by once in a while. How blessed we are to do what we do and go to places like these!

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