Photographer’s Ignite closes WPPI

I had a fantastic time a few weeks ago at the Weddings & Portrait Photographer’s International Convention in Vegas. I had a great time speaking on behalf of Pictage, Livebooks & Kubota Image Tools, but the thing I was the most nervous and the most excited about was Photographer’s Ignite The concept was that 20 photographers had to share a new topic that they’d never spoken on before. Each of us had exactly 5 minutes and exactly 20 slides that advanced every 15 seconds. I have spoken many times before, but this was by far the MOST amount of people I’d ever spoken in front of. Over 1200!

I am currently at the Oakland Airport headed to Texas, so I can’t add the images I want to in this post. I’ll do it soon! For now… enjoy the Photo Ignite presentation I gave with my fabulous sister, Joy!!

7 thoughts on “Photographer’s Ignite closes WPPI

  1. You two are so awesome! great presentation! Friends for life! lol 😉 it’s so true. Lee and I are already talking about you guys doing family shoots with us…in the future! 😉

  2. You presentation was just fabulous! I was there, 2nd row from the front 🙂 So many different presentations, but you two definitely took the cake!!!

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