I heart WPPI

Okay, I know I’m very behind on my blog, but I say better late than never!

A few weeks ago, Joy and I went to Vegas for WPPI and had the most amazing time. I love going to teach and meet other photographers (okay, and the parties aren’t bad, either!) If you are a new (or established!) photographer from anywhere in the world, I strongly encourage you to attend. Not only will you learn what is new in the industry and be inspired on ways to move your business forward, but you will meet tons of like-minded friends and have a lot of fun! I enjoyed each day of the convention, but Photo Ignite, which ended WPPI, was by far the biggest rush. I LOOOVED working on my Photo Ignite presentation with Joy, and speaking in front of 1200 people was crazy!!

Most of these snaps were taken with my iPhone, but there are also shots in here from Amy Parrish, Daria Bishop, Angela Hubbard, Patrick Farrington, & Rosaura Sandoval. Thanks, guys, for getting such cute photos of me & Joy!

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