from Whine to Wow: photographing the fussy family

Joy and I have been honored again this year by being asked to participate at Pictage’s PartnerCon in San Diego. I have been a speaker at every PartnerCon since its inception in 2006 except for 2009 where instead of speaking, I did a shooting workshop with an entire bridal party.

This time, Joy and I are going to do a workshop together to show you how we handle our portrait clients. We’re calling the workshop “From Whine to Wow: photographing the fussy family” because, as I’m sure you portrait photographers know, many times children and pets just do not have an interest in being photographed.

Come join us to learn how we prep the parents at our pre-shoot consultation and then watch how we handle an actual family -plus pet- to see what tricks and methods we use to get the fun lifestyle shots our clients love.

If you have not attended PartnerCon before, you really should do yourself a favor and register now. This year the event will be in San Diego and if past years tell us anything, its not to be missed. It is a not only a great learning experience, but the networking is so much fun!

Click here to register!

family portrait workshop

family portrait workshop

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