my PUG

Tonight I hosted my first PUG meeting! Pictage is launching groups around the country, and mine is the West Hollywood group. PUG stands for “Pictage User Group” and is meant to be a way for local photographers to not only network and preview new Pictage products, but to act as a voice to let Pictage know what we might need from them. I will be leading a PUG on the last Tuesday of each month, so if you’re a photographer in the West Hollywood area, come on down! If you are not familiar with Pictage, click here to check out one of my sample events.

I decided to have our first meeting at Wahoo’s Fish Tacos on Wilshire because there is lots of free parking (a big deal here in LA) and we could get yummy chips and salsa to munch on. Each month we will be doing a studio spotlight, so tonight my company started things off. I brought a bunch of albums and products for everyone to check out, and I talked little bit about myself before we started our meeting. I was glad Deb Gerson was the only one there I knew because it meant that I got to meet a bunch of new people. Networking is really important as well as really fun (but sometimes fattening if you’re doing it at wahoos.)

A bunch of my albums out for perusal purposes

Photographers checking out Jules’ stuff and just getting to know each other…

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