Thirst Relief Auction

When I was in Vegas for WPPI last year, I conducted two workshops for the Digital Wedding Forum and two mentoring sessions for Pictage photographers. Because I am not speaking anywhere this year, I have decided to donate my time to contribute to the efforts at Thirst Relief International. The mentoring sessions that will take place during the WPPI Convention later this month in Las Vegas are being auctioned off now. Auctioning ends March 8th, so get your vote in now!!

Of course I would love for you to bid on me, but be sure to check out the rest of the fantastic photographers who are trying to give a little something back.

100% of the money donated goes to help provide clean drinking water for people who really need it. You can find out more about the organization at ThirstRelief.Org

If you would like to have a 90 minute session with me, please click here to vote now!! I will be giving the winner fabulous Kolo products that he or she can use to get their clients raving about them, but we can discuss any issues you would like from how to get your weddings published to how to become the brand you want to be. We can even talk about Olive & Blythe!!

4 thoughts on “Thirst Relief Auction

  1. Jules, thank you so much for being part of the mentoring sessions. You are amazing and anyone would be totally lucky to get to meet with you!

  2. Bid on Jules now! I mentored with her at Pictage in September and she was so awesome! I had never sold an album and she brought suitcases full for me to look at. Jules was a big help in my branding and defining my personal style. I definitely plan on bidding on her again this year if she is available.

    Thanks, Jules!

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