A Surprise Wedding at Figueroa Hotel

maria & matt.

Today I shot a wedding with the talented Julie Weaver. Although we’ve known each other for about 10 years, this is the first wedding we’ve shot together! We were at the GORGEOUS Figueroa Hotel in downtown Los Angeles. Talk about character! There are Moroccan touches everywhere.

What made this wedding particularly special was that it was a SURPRISE WEDDING!! Maria’s friends thought they were coming to her 30th birthday party, and after an hour or so, they were told to please create an aisle for the belly dancer who was about to come through. Who REALLY walked down the aisle however, was Maria in her wedding gown being led to the alter by her father!!

What I saw:

Party Attire…

Maria’s cute bouquet…

I LOVE the expressions on the guests faces here when they realize the birthday party is ACTUALLY a wedding!

7 thoughts on “A Surprise Wedding at Figueroa Hotel

  1. What an awesome idea to tell the guests it’s a birthday party – less stress and what a surprise! You did a great job capturing these images. My fav is #1 – I love the post process on it, gorgeous.

  2. Juliet- That was so romantic; and so awesome that you captured their special day so perfectly!
    I love that she chose to get married that way. It seems like it would take alot of the stress away – that people sometimes associate with going to traditional weddings. Her birthday guests all looked so awesome also!
    (Dressed so nice).
    Love ya’

  3. I love the Hotel Figueroa. It’s an awesome place for photos. What a romantic way to have a wedding! I love surprises! Great job Jules and congrats to the happy couple!

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