Pictage PartnerCon rocked our world

Hi! This is Joy, hijacking Jules’ blog to brag about her. Jules has been a presenter at Pictage’s PartnerCon since its inception in 2005. This year’s conference was at the Hard Rock Hotel in San Diego where It was announced that this would be the last one. We want to take a minute to say thank you for seven great years! Jules and I are both big Pictage fans. They have grown to be so much more than just “a lab”. I have appreciated their commitment to finding new and innovative ways of improving the business and community of photography. Click on the following links for a quick look back at all of Jules’ previous PartnerCon workshops. (I also thought it was fun to watch her hair grow longer and longer with each subsequent year)







This year, I had so much fun watching my sister teach her shooting workshop as she photographed our model family, Lauren, Matt, and baby Claire. We had a really great group of shooters with us! Jules and I spent a little time before the shoot talking to our group of photographers about marketing and sales, as well as overcoming obstacles while working with kids. Thanks to everyone who came out and joined us! We had a blast. Here are a few of my favorites that Jules shot from the workshop.

San Diego Family Portrait

San Diego Family Portrait

San Diego Family Portrait

San Diego Family Portrait

San Diego Family Portrait

San Diego Family Portrait

San Diego Family Portrait

San Diego Family Portrait

San Diego Family Portrait

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